Injections + Personal Plan
How long does an appointment take?
After your initial 45minute consultation, an injection service typically takes 20minutes.

You may have some slight tenderness at
the injection site
(arm or glute).
Are there side effects to
vitamin shots?
© 2023 Flourish Aesthetics
What is Xeomin?
When you squint or frown, the muscles between your eyebrows contract, causing the skin to furrow and fold. Over time, as your skin ages and loses some of its elasticity, these repeated contractions can cause persistent frown lines. Botulinum toxin type A – the active ingredient in Xeomin®– acts on nerve endings in muscles to prevent muscle fibers from contracting. By reducing these contractions, Xeomin® can temporarily reduce the lines between your eyebrows.
Is Xeomin different than Botox?
The main difference between the two is that Xeomin uses the purest form, lacking some proteins that Botox contains.
How many units will I need?
We customize our dosing during our initial consultation with each patient. If you have had Botox before, the unit dosing is typically similar.
© 2024 Flourish Aesthetics